Saturday, March 30, 2019

Get Access Justifying Intellectual Property PDF by Robert P. Merges

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Justifying Intellectual Property

by Robert P. Merges

Binding: Hardcover
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Results Justifying Intellectual Property

Justifying Intellectual Property Justifying Intellectual Property is a fascinating It offers a new framework for understanding intellectual property with a particular focus on why it makes sense to offer property rights for creative enterprises Dennis Crouch 20111014 Read more About the Author Justifying Intellectual Property — Robert P Merges In a sophisticated defense of intellectual property Robert P Merges draws on Kant Locke and Rawls to explain how IP rights are based on a solid ethical foundation and make sense for a just society He also calls for appropriate boundaries IP rights are real but they come with real limits Justifying Intellectual Property Chapter 1 by Robert P Why should a property interest exist in an intangible item In recent years arguments over intellectual property have often divided proponents – who emphasize the importance of providing incentives for producers of creative works – from skeptics who emphasize the need for free and open access Justifying Intellectual Property Rights – Flora IP Justifying Intellectual Property Rights 19 February 2018 No Comments QUOTE OF THE MONTH A geographical indication GI is a sign used on products that have a specific geographical origin and possess qualities or a reputation that are due to that origin Justifying Intellectual Property Legal Outlet Excellent book for the theory and practical application of intellectual property As the title claims the purpose of this book is to provide a justification for intellectual property In contrast to much of the work in this area however Justifying Intellectual Property does not build its case solely on economic or utilitarian grounds Justifying Intellectual Property on JSTOR Justifying Intellectual Property Book Description In a sophisticated defense of intellectual property Merges draws on Kant Locke and Rawls to explain how IP rights are based on a solid ethical foundation and make sense for a just society JUSTIFYING INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Faculty of Law Property is a unique legal construct Even the language we use— what scholars sometimes call “property talk”— is distinctive We speak of the creation of property as a “grant” a word derived from the Latin term for “entrust” The state bestows property on an own er who then carries a small piece a Robert Merges Justifying intellectual property SpringerLink Intellectual property IP sits squarely in the middle of numerous contemporary moral topics ranging from gene patents to amateur remix culture At the same time both the scope and intensity of the IP legal regime have been increasing 1 It is thus surprising perhaps that there is relatively little work comprehensively addressing its Hettinger v Paine Justifying Intellectual Property Rights Justifying Intellectual Property Rights I Hettingers Critique of Intellectual Property Overview Hettinger criticizes a number of mainstream attempts to justify intellectual property and argues that the nonexclusive nature of intellectual works grounds a case against ownership Phibsophy 35 Justifying Intellectual Property and so this sort of use is prevented But sharing in no way hinders per­ sonal use This characteristic of intellectual objects grounds a strong prima facie case against the wisdom of private and exclusive intellectual property rights Why should one person have the exclusive right to possess and